The goodness of fit tests revealed that the model is replicable for similar research settings. The tests on confirmation model revealed a relationship model between motivation and satisfaction of foreign senior tourists vacationing in Bali. The analytical tools utilized were descriptive statistical analysis, multivariate analysis (Structural Equation Modeling), and qualitative descriptive analysis. A survey of 400 respondents was conducted, using field survey method, combining quantitative and qualitative data. The current study is an in-depth confirmation on the effects of travel motivation of the senior tourism segment on the segment’s satisfaction because satisfaction, in turn, affects tourist loyalty as the basis for repeat visits and recommendations for friends and relatives. This is a confirmatory study built on the tourist loyalty model developed by Yoon and Uysal (2003) and Chi (2005), based on the theory of consumer behavior and its application for tourism. The core problem explored in the current research is whether there is a relationship between the motivation and satisfaction of foreign senior tourists vacationing in Bali. Vol.Foreign senior tourists are overseas travelers aged 55 and above. Rambang dengan Menggunakan Metode EPIC Model. Analisis Efektivitas Iklan Sebagai Salah Satu Bauran Pemasaran Perusahaan dan Penerbit PT. Tjiptono, Fandy, (2008) Strategi Pemasaran, Edisi Kedua, Penerbit Andi Offset, Yogyakarta Manajemen Pemasaran Modern Edisi kedua cetakan kesebelas. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatifdan Kualitatif. Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Provinsi Lampung. Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Pariwisata Lampung Tahun 2010-2014. Mengukur Efektifitas Program Promosi dan Analisis Kasus Menggunakan SPSS. Purwanto & Purwanto.,2013.Statistik Untuk Ekonomi dan Keuangan Modern. Consumber Behaviours & Marketing Strategy: 9 Edition. Tourism 3.0: turning Tourist to Advocate. Marketing in Travel & Tourism 4th Edition. Middleton,T.C.V, Fyall, Alan & Morgan, Micheal. Praktikum Metode Riset Bisnis Jilid 1, Jakarta: Salemba Empat

Manajemen Pemasaran, Edisi Ketiga Belas, Jilid 2, Erlangga, Jakarta. Kotler, Philip & Kevin Lane Keller, 2009. Hasan, Ali, 2015 Tourism Marketing, Jakarta: PT Buku Seru Tourism Principles, Practices, Philosopies. Semarang: Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro. Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS. the ineffective communication mix to promote tourism in Lampung province was Words of Mouth with the EPIC rate value of 2.54.ĭurianto, Darmadi. The result showed that the Event and Experience were the most effective marketing communications to promote tourism in Lampung province with the EPIC rate value at 3.65 and categorized effective, while the Advertising and Interactive Direct Marketing were in the category of Effective Enough with the Epic Rate value of each at 2.69, and 3.29. The analysis method used in this study was EPIC model that measure d the effectiveness of marketing communications mix based on four dimensions: Empathy, Persuasion, Impact and Communication.

The objective of this study was to measure the effectiveness of every marketing communications mix of tourism in Lampung Province. To promote tourism destinations, the Tourism agency of Lampung Province perform four tourism marketing communications activities, namely: Advertising, Events and Experiences, Words of Mouth, Interactive Direct Marketing. prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs, external failure costs. leadership, prostitution motivation, personality, experience or knowledge of, interest in entrepreneurship ncentives, Leadership, Performance performance, female employees, gender mainstreaming. Empowerment, Management Change, Tecknology And Strategic Alignment Ethnics, Communication, Conflict Formulation, Profit sharing, Freehold Titles, Building Right Titles, Right to Use Titles Gross Domestic Product, Gross National Income, Corruption Implementation of infrastructure programs, simultaneous movement to build villages, cultural approaches Incentives, Work Motivation,and Performance Management, Participation, Development, Empowerment, and Village Fund Organizational culture, work motivation, employee performance Performance, Maqosid Sharia, Shariah Supervisory Board Social Capital, Income, Norms, Network, Trust Wages, Policy, Employers, Workers incentives, morale, employees Preliminary incentives, supervision, productivity. Communication, Development, Human Resources (HR), Environment Communication, Work Discipline, Employee Performance.